Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Making up....

...for yesterday.

Had a good day both at work and with training. HURRAH for both!

Managed to get up early this morning (it was still very dark outside and even the bin men had not been), and headed for the gym armed with a running magazine and my swim stuff. It's ok I wasn't going to read in the pool... but read on the bike. Yes I did take it kind of easy, a steady 45mins of easy spinning on the gym bike (not too ideal a stead but you get what you get).... nothing too arduous, keeping my HR well in the FB zone (about 122). Read pretty much all the mag too. Good oh! The bike said I'd done 25+k which can't be right really, so assumed that to be more like 20k.

Followed the ride with a quick shower (I'm considerate like that), and headed for the pool for a session (second one of the week - can't remember when I did two swims in a week). Did a good session there, again quite a lot of drills for a total of 1500m in about 45mins.... All good stuff so far.

Then scampered on back home to work for the day - yes I do occasionally have the opportunity to work from hom. Usually get quite a bit done too - although today my phone was more like the bat-phone... didn't stop ringing all day!! Still a good day it was too... so much so that this evening I took one look at the TV listing for tonight (nothing on) and headed back to the gym!!! Just to see if my calf would stand a run. Did look a bit of a nerd (yes, yes, more then usual), as I had a compression sock on the bad leg - but not on the other one - and yes I was wearing shorts. As I said; I looked a bit of a nerd!!! Still I managed 10mins on the x-trainer as a warm-up (which counts as "running" in my training tracker!), some stretching then on to the treadmill for some intervals. Nothing too strenuos - 10reps of 1'@11.5kph, 1'@8kph. This was all fairly comfortable - which is fine at this stage of the training schedule. Walked for 5' warmdown (which I don't count in my stats), before embarking on a rather lengthy stretch session (which I will count in my stats!). Have realised (about time some would say) that the stretching part is really important, particularly to my warm-down. My hammies, calfs and quads could all do with being longer and certainly not so tight!

So I think I've made up for yesterday's malaise! Tomorrow is though another day. I'm working in London all day prior to going to a black-tie awards evening in Mayfair in the evening. So there will certainly be no training in the afternoon/ evening, and let's face it I'm going to have a sherbert or two at the awards evening so I am planning on having a TFI Friday with no training in it. So my chance to train is tomorrow morning - which means an early get up so I can fit it in something before taxi comes to get me in the morning! What that something is is dependent on the calf situation in the morning. If it's up to it I'd like to get another run in - we will see.

On another important note - There may be an addition to the family. More on that later.

Oh and one further book of recommended reading (not that I usually do recommend books), but this is particularly for Wes. Wes you may consider putting this on your Christmas list:

"The Book of Etiquette", written by Lady Laura Troubridge (1926)

A very interesting read !!! ;o)


  1. Hi! I have the same goal for 2008, so I'm joining in to read along!!

  2. Sounds like a great day! I am really thinking that I need to join a gym!

  3. Twice in one day.. run, swim n bike, I'd say you more than made up for yesterday!

    New addition eh.. you cant say that and leave us hanging!

  4. Woo hoo! You're preggers!!! Awesome :-)

    I, personally, prefer The Caveman's Guide to Ettiquette. It's a much simpler approach and provides a much needed avenue of escape for that huge club I keep in my closet next to the deer skins...

  5. Addition to the family?!? Good luck with whatever that means!!!

  6. I cannot remeber the last time I read a magazine while riding. Now it is always push, push, push. Maybe I need a read a magazine day!

    Anyway, 2 workouts... nice work!

  7. an addition to the family?!?!?!
