Thursday, August 07, 2008

8 on 8th 08

Well more like 8.2 on the 6th but still.... Remember the challenge set by Nancy?

So inspired...
".. and so the torch came to the shores of this United Kingdom, to go on small jog on its quest for world domination...."

It had been a muggy day when the torch was passed to me so I took with vigour a plan in mind... this was a journey into the the Finchampstead countryside last night which was great, a mixture of trails and quite country lanes.... here's the report:

I was actually DREADING the run yesterday.... not only was it my l-o-n-g-e-s-t in a long while but I was set the following BEASTLY session;
20mins @ Warm-up (easy)
10mins @ 10k Pace
10mins @ easy
20mins @ Half Marathon Pace
10mins @ easy
5 mins @ 10k Pace
5 mins @ easy


As I said I was really dreading it - the torch and I managed to find a pretty much flat route (thankfully). Did my warm-up sucked it in and set off for my first interval. I managed to set my Garmin up well with the session, did the easy by HR and the rest by pace (gave myself a window rather then set pace). Was quite pleased how the first 10k pace effort went... then it took a while to get my HR back down (only walked to slurp some gatorade).

It was difficult at first getting my pace back up for the second interval, this time half pace... but once I got into it I managed to hold on for the full 20mins although I can't say it was terribly comfortable!!

Another slurp and off at easy but getting my HR back below 148 proved near impossible, mainly hovered around 150 despite jogging with fairy steps!! Needless to say I was NOT looking forward to the next 5mins of 10k pace torture...

LUCKILY though the start of the 10k pace was at the top of a slight hill!! Joy; the down helped get my legs turning over and speed up to the desired pace which I then held - although there were some people out for a evening stroll, I barely could talk to say "excuse me" as I rounded the lake - I think they must have thought I was a bit crazy!!... and I must have looked a bit mad that's for sure (the virtual torch lighting my way - maybe they knew what I was up to?! LOL ok perhaps not)... Frankly I was more then a little surprised that I managed to wind the pace back up again (without having cardiac arrest too) for this final lunge towards the end goal! LOL

I jogged back up through the park home, had set the Garmin to do the last 5mins easy (HR 148 or less) and then set it up to go straight through into a timer with the lap button being the end of the stage.. consequently by 80mins run turned into 83 - so bagged a couple more mins and a couple hundred metres over the distance.!! Total distance 13.24k which is a bit over the alloted 8 Miles I think - HURRAH for me and HURRAH for the torch!

Time Dist Split T Dist Pace Avg. HR Max. HR
0:20:00 3.21 20:00 3.21 6:13 139 (75%) 148 (80%)
0:30:00 5.08 10:00 1.87 5:21 156 (84%) 162 (87%)
0:40:00 6.50 10:00 1.42 7:03 145 (78%) 162 (87%)
1:00:00 9.98 20:00 3.47 5:46 158 (85%) 165 (89%)
1:10:00 11.27 10:00 1.30 7:42 148 (79%) 164 (88%)
1:15:00 12.22 5:00 0.95 5:17 160 (86%) 165 (89%)
1:20:00 12.83 5:00 0.61 8:09 147 (79%) 163 (88%)
1:23:05 13.24 3:05 0.40 7:41 148 (79%) 150 (81%)

Decided to run with my iPOD for the first time in ages. Mainly playing some tunes by Linkin Park and Foo Fighters (I need these for this session!).... anyhow, just as I was finishing up "Home" by the Foo Fighters came on which was quite apt as by then I really needed to be back home for sure!!


  1. I have yet to figure out what my exact 10K and half mary pace is!! LOL... Give me HR zones to run in, no prob. I'm like you though. Once it gets up there, it does NOT want to come down!

    Great run!!!

  2. Great run!!! Good to hear from you!

  3. Awesome!! Way to mix up the paces to make the run more meaningful. I did my whole 8 on the 8th (mine was on the 2nd) at an easy eassy pace. I'm a slacker. You're not. :)

  4. I don't know my 10K and 1/2 paces either! Great run! :D

  5. Great "virtual" race!

  6. Great job. I know that "dreading it" feeling. Glad you did it and thanks for joining us!!
