Monday, August 04, 2008


S'ok... I'm here... Is there anyone still out there?!

How are you doing? Enjoying summer?.... I am well :o)

I haven't blogged in a while (got out of the habit that's all)...

So a month gone and to keep it brief....

1. I HAD A FABULOUS HOLIDAY... Chicago was completely brilliant as were the beaches of Lake Michigan... and boy did I SHOP!

2. MOJO IS BACK (WWOOP!.. Lucky with The Vitruvian only a few weeks away)

3. I HAVE A NEW JOB (WHOOP! WHOOP) Still at the same company but am excited about what I'm up to!

I'll blog about points 1 and 2 once I've downloaded photo's and stuff.

All in all things are good in the world of Karen :o)... will promise to make it less then a 28 odd days before I blog again!... Maybe even more tomorrow..??!!!

PS: I've just read Lisa's blog who mentions Nancy's blog where Nancy has set an Olympic challenge...8 on 8th 08.... take a look. I have what can only be described as an horrendous run scheduled for sometime on Wednesday, not sure I'll get to 8miles in the 80mins but I will give it a go and write about it in due course!! .. .:O)... and I know Wednesday is the 6th but Nancy lets us off that!


  1. I'm not the only one with bloggers block then.
    Glad you've find my mojo though.

  2. Hey gurrrrl :-) Nice to come up for some air and let us know you are still breathing!! LOL... Glad you had a great trip! Do come back soon!
