Thursday, August 14, 2008

Are you watching?

I think either you love it or hate it... the Olympics I mean! I'm assuming most bloggers who read this are sports fans so probably love all this sport on TV.... and then there's those who are not really sports fans but will still love it.... and then there are those few who just don't care - shame on them is what I say!!! ;o)

I have been pretty much hooked from Day 1!

Some of my personal "best moments", obviously this is biased towards GB success.....

YES! A GOLD first thing Sunday morning with Nicole Cooke's amazing road race... a good team ride actually with the rest of the team helping out for sure.

We then moved on the time trials and managed a Silver in the ladies event with Emma Pooley.

Now the AMAZING factoid I picked up from the cycling so far is that Emma only rode her first competitive road race 3 years ago (!!) AND more impressive there's an French lady, Jeannie Longo-Ciprelli, who is 49 (YES 49) years old who competed in the TT... so there's hope for me yet... LOL!!!

Looking forward to track cycling now.... there's quite a bit of expectation over here for the boys and girls to bring some gold home. It will be fab to watch.


Need I say anything more?... Oh yes, being a Brit I should also mention;

ADDLINGTON - who has a Gold and going for another.... our swim team seems to have improved a lot since Athens (not terribly hard). It's amazing watching the races, I mean those guys can do 100m faster then I can do 50!!!! MAD! and Inspiring at the same time.

Shame the girls relay screwed up the semi's by opting to rest two of the team (and therefore failing to qualify), although looking at the final not sure we'd have won a medal anyhow.

OK - so the running is only getting going today. The BIG question for me is what will happen to Paula Radcliffe in the marathon. She's like had a stress fracture and been out for a couple of months and been training on a x-trainer!!! Think the race is due to start early hours of Sunday morning so I may set an alarm to watch the last 15mins or something.

The Heptathlon is off now which I find an amazing event (well that and the Decathlon, ok that and the rest of the games). Anyhow now the track and field has started more amazement to come.

Oh and of course there is;Now I did wonder how they were going to create one of those nice symbols to represent the triathlon... I'm not sure that one does it for me!! But still - much to look forward to in the early hours of Monday and Tuesday morning, perhaps another alarm jobby to watch it live!!.... Or maybe I'll catch up the highlights on line later!

Now there have been several funny/ "ouch" moments at the Olympics so far, there was a Turkish (I think it was) female weight lifter who having failed to lift a weight proceeded to stroop off and walk into a wall! That was quite funny.

But I ask you - should the BBC be treating a Knight like this.... Here's a little video clip of the legendary SIR Steve Redgrave (GB Rowing Legend in case you didn't know). He's commentating in the rowing and it rained a bit, not a proper coat in sight they obviously opted for whatever they could purchase .... is it me or does this jacket simply not fit!!! See this video clip


  1. I'm enjoying the Olympics too! I can't wait for the triathlons. We are exactly 12 hours behind China. I'll have to check and see what time they are going to be on!!

  2. The olympics are AWESOME.
