Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Questions and Answers


(a) What Pace for intervals?: I had a few people who said they didn't know what their paces were... so I only "know" my 10k and half Mary paces from what I've done or assume I can do... so I set my 10k pace based between what the time I think I should be able to do if I did one straight off (ie not too stupidly fast) and what I have done in a triathlon.... I think this meant my Garmin was set up for a pace between 5:24 per K and 5:04 (yeah dream!).... similar for half pace; I've done 2:02 and think I should be just under 2hrs .... so my pace zone was set something like between 5:45 and 6:00mins per K... There's also plenty of "pace predictors" on the internet, so if you've done a 5k say you can whop that in and it'll give you a predicted pace..... in my case these seem quite accurate.

Oh yes and sorry about doing this in kilometers

Oh ... Ok so the title should have been "ANSWER" actually... as I think I only have the one!


(b) KM or Miles: Hummm.... I pose this to myself all the time. I live in miles, but the sport tends to be done in KM.... also training in "KM" gives an apparent "faster" time, although clearly that is purely psychological! But running like 5:30mins per K just sounds better the 9+mins per mile ;o)

(c) BIKE... this is the current BIGGY!!! I'm thinking, no, I'm going to get a new bike. Make my current stead into a training/winter bike and get myself a carbon for a little end of season pressie... the question is do I go for a tribar cockpit or not bother. I'm fairly torn. On the one hand I do go aero quite a bit in races but on the other most of my races this year have been pretty hilly so can't be aero up those as too much gear changing (and huffing and puffing off the saddle) are called for........... I've had a couple of chats with some peeps recently and both came down on the side of a road bike rather then tri-specific. I think I'm heading this way too but wondered if anyone out there had any ideas???

As for things training related..... still going ok - managing the ongoing foot issues better then the lead up to the half iron in June, but dancing in highheels on Saturday night seems to have aggravated the foot a bit (no sh*t shurlock)... still .... I've got another killer run scheduled for this week... oh in fact scheduled for today .... another mixture of easy, half and 10k... although this time only one bout of 10k... but it's 10mins at the end of it... YIKES!


  1. I don't think it matters what kind of bike you get, cause you are always going to need another one :-) I'm glad I get a "good" tri bike first, cause now I can get a good roadie later!!

  2. Bike - I say get something you love no matter what that means. You don't want to get something that you don't love riding. I got a good road bike because I find it very comfy and I love riding it. Others have bought good tri bikes and are happy with those. Some of my fastest friends ride road bikes, not tri bikes...just food for thought.

  3. Anonymous12:38 pm

    With all those trips to America, how about a nice Cervelo before the $ recovers too much? Chrissie's P2C looks very nice mmmm
