Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Holy Moly

I've gone and done it now....

Headlines from an email I received today;

"I am very pleased to confirm that you have been allocated an NSPCC gold bond guaranteed place in the Flora London Marathon on Sunday 26th April 2009."


Well I had put myself on the reserve list in December but didn't actually expect to get a slot! So like what's-his-name in the chocolate factory I've found one of the last tickets and I'm going to go and join the party!

Better get that health check done at the doctors!

... this is just 4 weeks before Austria 70.3... I hope I'm recovered enough to enjoy that experience too.....


A Marathon..

I've always said I'd never do one


On a brighter note (does it get any brighter!?)... I woke up this morning feeling more rested then I did last night and feel like I'm fighting the cold - so the decision to rest last night was a good one. I headed to the gym at 7am this morning (note it was still -3 and trying to snow... WTF with this cold snap already)... Anyhow ... I did an easy 15mins (yes only 15minutes) jog.... starting at 8.5kph raising to 10kph and back down.... with my HR peaking at the top of Z1 which was perfect. Felt fine with that. Small steps remember?!

Headed then to the pool... managed 1500m in total (mixture of stuff)... and felt strangely giddy whilst horizontal on the swim... go figure that... maybe the cold is giving me a bit of a balance issue??! Still managed it all without doing myself any damage.... hurrah for that.

Today (well this evening actually) I've traveled to south west Wales... i don't think I've ever been this far west in south Wales before.... until tomorrow when I got a bit further. Then after my meeting I'm journeying up through the heart of Wales on a diagonal trajectory towards the North West of England. Assuming it's a bright day I'm looking forward to the views as the Welsh valley's are stunning. Back home in time for tea on Friday I hope!

Right - better go and find a Marathon training plan.... crikey!


  1. Wow! I guess you are going to have to start running, huh? A pretty cool marathon for your first, though. Good luck.

  2. Anonymous9:03 pm

    Whoop whoop! That's fab, exciting!

    I will be going to watch the marathon so will do my best to spot you!
    And I promise to try and take a picture of you, rather than of some random guy with you just in the background! (like I did at the Henley half that time!)

    The Reemanator x

  3. OMGosh!! CONGRATS that is fabulous news! You'll love it! Really! :-) YAY!!

  4. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - you've won the golden ticket!


    Where is the Austria 70.3? The IM is in Klagenfurt, which is beautiful.

  5. WooHoo! When does marathon training start? Yesterday? LOL

  6. While you are in Wales say hi to all my relatives! My father was born near Neath.

    Marathon! London! Woo Hoo!

    You better go train now so you can have fun! Respect the distance!

  7. I would run that one in a heart beat :-)

  8. Congrats goes out to you for getting in on the Marathon. You can use it as a training run for your Tri. Enjoy your travels, sounds like lots of fun.

  9. Very cool! A marathon!

  10. Congrats! Oh, that is so exciting!
