Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December Stato

In the excitement of Christmas I completely and utterly forgot about my blogging target of reaching 58 blog entries this year (thus achieving and unexpected parity with 2010...).... so unless I do a blog for each of the remaining hours of the year I will not achieve this....


But never mind..... this has taught me something... when you set yourself a goal then keep a reminder of it somewhere obvious....

And on the not quite making the goal front I also set myself a secret (in that I didn't really publicise it - apart from on RunKeeper that is)... anyway the goal was to run 50k during December.... had I not had a hangover on Sunday I may have achieved that one... but today I sit here at my desk typing away at 17:42 carrying the guilty burden of eating too many pies and drinking too much wine over the Christmas period and not getting off my lazy arse and so am ending up on 45.3km... yes 4.7km short.... or 4.5laps of the block of houses where I live... I could do this now... but it is now 17:43 on New Years eve and Champagne is calling me... not my trainers... !!! Something about lack of dedication to your goal springs to mind with this one...

Still when I look at December I did have some success and did have some failures.... but I did achieve more (physically speaking) then in November.. but then I wasn't actually ill at all (unlike sneezy, coughy, weezy November)... so closing Stats for December are:  (and yes I accept I am not going our for that 4.5 laps of the block)....

Run: Total 45.3km in 5hrs 3min (up considerably from November so actually I did achieve something of my 50k goal)
Bike: Total 140.5km in 6hrs 47mins (up only slightly from November - I ought to have a bike goal for Jan)
Swim: Total 6.8km in 3hrs (amazingly 6-7 times that of November and probably more then the rest of the year combined... WOW)
Other Stuff (Yoga, stretching, core etc) 2hrs 54mins (over an hour more then November but still more to do)

It's been an amazing year .... we started it in Perth, Western Australia and finish here back home having travelled back through Australia, New Zealand, sailed across the pacific (ok no sails as such but a big cruise ship), visiting amazing places on the way and flying back from the US. We are truly fortunate to have been able to do this ...and having returned in the summer, having had a great time, got jobs pretty quickly... more then anything else I can definitely say there is no place like home.

Thank you 2013.... Hello 2014... 


  1. Despite that 4.5 km lack it was a good run/bike/swim december.
    Glad you enjoyed the cruise. About this topic I live and work in the italian port with more cruise ships in Europe.
    Happy New Year,

    1. Some of the European Cruise Ships are massive - our 2,000 passenger was more then big enough for me! I aim to visit Italy this year or next but probably not on a cruise, would rather spend more time in the country (enjoying the food and wine!)... HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO, wishing you an enjoyable and injury free 2014!
