Sunday, December 22, 2013

January Challenges

So I've already signed up to Janathon.... so that will be a challenge in itself... but in case I want more I've found the following; I probably won't sign up for all of them but am considering something....
  1. Not just January but actually a 3 month running challenge which you set up for yourself (goals that is) and sign up to on the website and away you go...
  2. Then "the Runner Beans" are setting up a 21 days of yoga challenge... given it takes 21 days to form a habit... this one being a yoga habit...
  3. Then of course I could go "dry"... 
  4. As I do tend to like "green" coloured drinks, especially when I'm feeling ill then perhaps I should consider a 30 day green smoothie challenge......
  5. Lisa just posted a link to Winter Miles Challenge which does look quite interesting, similar(ish) to Jantastic but slightly different and quite motivational.... definitely considering that as I do need some run focus in my life!
  6. I haven't found a decaf challenge yet but I'm thinking that reducing my double espresso intake may not be a bad thing... kind of like dry January but rather then alcohol I'm talking caffeine!

On other news I had a much more successful training day today with my early swim and midday run done. I enjoyed the swim - having swum 4 times in the last week and a bit I'm beginning to get a feel for the water again... yeah for that!!... the run... well that was less pretty, although at least it was sunny and actually I did have one of those lovely moments when a deer jumped out of the woods and across the path in front of me... that was special :)

 I didn't take this picture by the way - I found it on google images - but you get the idea!!

1 comment:

  1. I love to meet animals during my workouts and I get angry, really angry, when I meet the hunters! How can they kill such lovely friends for "sport"?
    After all my injures I also love to swim.
    Happy Christmas.
