Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Week That Was...

Unofficially I started getting "prepared" this week... Prepared to start H.I.M training which is starting in January (race 1st June).... So I guess you can call this Prep 1:1

So I had a training week kind of planned and was hoping to stick to it.... and by and by with some form of miracle I kind of did - apart from the big MISS on my long run today which was down to me tweaking my knee in a shower rail erecting incident and also inclement weather - had I gone for a run after my swim I may have made it!!

But anyway - I'm quite happy and I score myself 8 out of 10.... lose a 1.5 points for missing the long run and 0.5 points for doing a 1hr 15min turbo session yesterday rather then a 2 hour club ride.... but in a feat of complete amazement I did make it to the pool the allotted 3 times for a minimum of 20mins...

Stats then are;

TOTAL : 4hrs 48mins (plus a little bit of stuff I didn't record I think I will round that to 5)
Core/ Stretch: 1 session from 1
Swim: 3 sessions from 3 (3.4km in 1hr 23mins... a mixture of FC sets and drills)
Bike: 2 sessions from 2 (30+km in 2'15mins.. how come my turbo km are always so low?!)
Run: 1 session from 2 (4.80km in 30mins)

The aim of the next few weeks is training rhythm and some consistency... I'm not interested in speed and just want to start building endurance... so am not going to get bothered about what I'm logging exactly as long as I'm logging something regularly and keeping myself regularly active without getting frazzled... no work travel till mid Jan and whilst it's going to be manic I'm hoping I can achieve balance and find the routine!

1 comment:

  1. I shall push you out the door after Sunday breakfast club in future then! I'm surprised you didn't dock yourself 0.25 for minor Saturday night inebriation ha ha ha
