Monday, December 16, 2013

I miss the days when...

I was just looking back at some old blog posts (as you do... or maybe I do... such a saddo)... anyway...

.. Tthere was a a time before I really discovered facebook and, to a lesser degree twitter, when I not only blogged more regularly but also read and commented on blogs more regularly ... I kind of miss those times...  .. and the blogging community which was... I tend to still read some (far fewer) blogs but like many people (I suspect), I tend not to comment so much on them - now where is the community spirit in that??... this makes me nothing but a blog stalker!!

So anyway - they say blogging may have been and be going on the way out but I don't think I am there yet.... so I think I will spend a little bit of my time to read and comment a bit more... and muter that blogging community spirit once more...!


  1. I feel your pain. Miss the 'old' bloggers who've moved on

  2. I hear you. I did a first cut at a race report on my marathon at the beginning of September, and it's still sitting in Blogger as a draft....
