Thursday, January 02, 2014

So what did you do on Day 2

Woke up late... so the intended morning swim was a no go if I was going to make it to work for my 8:30 (which got cancelled incidentally at 8:31... so I could have gone... but anyway).. .so given I wasn't doing that but wanted to get something in at least I participated in the January #FitTeam14 Challenge and did my level 1 squats and lunges... except I may not have because I did 8 Squats, 8 Lunges, 6S, 6L, 4S, 4L, 2S, 2L... and I think I should have started at 10... a-hem... still 20 Squats and 20 Lunges before breakfast isn't too shabby a start to the day!

Got home at 6:30 and something weird came over me as I decided on the way home that I was going to head out for a run (two runs in two days is practically unheard of for me anyway... so weird)... I intended a quick lap to the shops and back using as many short cuts as possible this is possible a 10min run... and then well basically I seemed to be enjoying myself and so ran for just over 20mins! Weird huh!

Not done with that when I got home I added a short Skimble session (phone app thingy) and did something called "Strengthen and Stabilize" which was supposed to be with a Bosu thingy... well we don't have one of those and frankly I found it hard enough - mainly sets of core work (plankety plank etc)... so that was 14mins of extra homework....

Janathon still on track which is not really a massive achievement given it is only Day 2...

Summary Day 2
Squats and Lunges
Ran 3:53km
Core Strength work for 14min (with little stabilisation involved as no Bosu!)

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