Sunday, January 11, 2015

Janathon 15 Day 11

Just been watching the Packers Game!!! Great game... Well I would say that given the Packers won.... Although to be honest I don't understand why the catch was not a catch... The result could easily have gone the other way.... Still now off to Seattle.... I love Seattle.... So if Green Bay don't win I will be supporting the Sea Hawks in the final.... But I'm hoping to see green and gold at the Super Bowl this year.

anyway.... This post is supposed to be about Janathon really.... Had on my plan a 2.5 hour ride but also needed to do some work and wanted to rest a bit today.... So I opted for a one hour turbo session because (a) it was shorter and involved less phaffing with cold weather kit... And (b) I'm thinking about doing the Tour of Sufferlandria at the end of the month and if I'm to do that then I thought I'd better get an accurate FTP.

So Janathon torture of the day was 1hr turbo, including 20mins super threshold interval.. Bleah!!!

Despite managing to keep to my Janathon commitment (albeit with a couple of days just easy stretch, core or yoga), I do feel right now my tri training is falling short of my planned sessions. I'm trying not to give myself a hard time because I'm working all the hours during the week and partially at the weekend at the moment and will be for another 2 weeks... So I'm trying to not get frustrated and accept it. At least I'm ticking over even if I'm not getting any fitter/faster....

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