Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Janathon 15 Day 6

This is going to be more of a micro blog tonight.....

Most often, like 98% of the time I sleep fully and peacefully and feel refreshed in the morning... Not last night... I woke up at 2am with my head full of work (unusual as I'm usually v good at parking it) ... And despite trying to think calming "ommmmmmm" thoughts of floating down a river to a peaceful forest I tossed and turned until gone 4am.... When I finally decided to get up and write everything work related going around my head on to some paper!!! The hunter cat heard me get up and snuck into the bedroom to placate me with some face pawing and uber purring on my return.... So peaceful was the purring that I duly fell asleep around 4:30 and despite waking before 6 I somehow nodded off again ignoring my fake sunrise and then work again at 7:20.... Yes basically what I'm saying is I had a restless night! ..... Clearly getting my excuses in on the blog post today eh... The eventual late wake up meant I'd missed my swim opportunity but wanting to do something I turned to some yoga! So got up and basically stretched myself out some  ... It is important in times of work stress to look after yourself and make sure you give yourself something in the day... So this was my gift to me.

I had hoped to do turbo session when I got home but it was late the time I did so ate instead, watched an hour of crap to whilst working and then have taken myself to bed.... I'm knackered!

Summary Janathon day 6: 20-25 mins of yoga and stretching

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