Saturday, January 10, 2015

Janathon 15 Day 10

Pretty much a third of the way through... Will I make it I wonder?!

Today started off very slowly... For two, no, three reasons....

Firstly due to high winds forecast all club rides for today were cancelled last night. So with no club ride to hustle out of bed for I saw no reason to hurry

Secondly it has been a very long working week this week and with little time off over the Christmas period as well I decided I could do with extra chill time in bed. Snoozing, coffee and croissant were the order of the morning

Thirdly I may well have had a glass of wine too much last night (I am a light weight) so my head felt wooly!!! Thankful for excuses 1 and 2!!! Ha ha ha

When I finally got my arse in motion I decided rather then turbo today I'd have a run and possibly swim (!!!) day. So around lunch time I headed out into the blustering wind and fortunately avoided any rain. Had a nice little 10k run over the hill (but not quite far away) ... So it was a windy and lumpy 10k. Mostly quiet trails and lanes though and only the odd fallen tree to navigate around. I literally had a lovely time! .... Although my hamstrings won't tell you that as they are now a bit tight and sore!!

Spent a few hours this afternoon doing some work and decided them to head to the pool for a swim session (missed from Thursday) ..... Oh my the pool was really busy... As busy as it gets with people in the morning sessions... But slightly worse as there were some angry chaps and blissfully ignorant swimmers (ie not paying attention despite the busy pool and not letting people pass at the turns)... The blissfully ignorant seemed to be winding up the angry ones without even knowing.... And then there were the kickers ... In the fast lane.... Now I'm not being funny but that is just completely stupid.... Unless of course you are an Olympic swimmer in which case you could probably out kick all the crawlers in the pool!!! Anyway... To be honest it was pretty chaotic so I did some drills and shorter reps in a quieter lane and only moved to the fast lane when I got into 200m sets. Alas I didn't get to finish what I started as the pool closes at 6:30 on a Saturday... Which isn't too bad... But what with the crowded pool I got something like 2k and 45mins of actual timed activity in my hour long soak!!!

Still... Got home and put on the pie and chips which were scheduled for last nights dinner!! No power cut can keep me from Friday pie for too long!!! 

All in all not a bad day!!! And a double dipping Janathon day!!!

Janathon day 10 summary
Run:     10k. ... In about 62 mins
swim      2k.... In the pool for an hour (about 45mins of swimming and lots of waiting for a gap!!! Ha ha)

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