Monday, January 05, 2015

Janathon Day 5 - Back to work

Back to work day for the masses who had lots of time off over the Christmas period.... I was grateful for a partial break for the bank holidays but I've been working mostly the last two weeks and the biggest difference today was the amount of noise in the office.... Which was quite disturbing after the last couple of weeks quietness!!

But I digress ... This is supposed to be about Janathon and now given Jantastic has started about that too.... My Jantastic pledge is to complete one swim, one bike and one run session I week... This should be easy enough no matter how stressful gets over the coming two weeks... 

Today I woke earlyish; no rats and no mice presents from the felines... Joy! Having had a light breakfast I jogged out into the raising sun for a short 20 mins ...actually managed 3.2k which means my easy pace appears to be getting slightly faster... Depending on what you are used to.... If I could get my easy back towards a 6 min per km time that would be great not there yet but it could yet happen!!

I planned on doing a short yoga or stretch session this afternoon but given how late I got home that went out of the window and became chill time... Although I find yoga chilling the sofa sucked me in and I couldn't then escape. I read an interesting tweet this morning about how long people are seated in a day... Something like 15 hours.. Gosh! I did think about timing it just to see where I ended up then realised it would be simpler to work out how many minutes I wasn't sitting then to add up all my seating sessions... So figured out : I got up around 0630 and bed by 2200.... Of the day I ran for 20, fed the cats and did chores this morning, let's call that 20mins... Walked to the post office at lunch time... 30mins including standing and queuing.... 10mins to and fro from the car and say 10 mins of other stuff... So of the 15.5 hours out of bed today I reckon I've been active for 1.5 hours.... Good grief... So that is 14 hours sat on my arse... On the sofa, in the car and largely at my desk.... Holly crap! It is no wonder my hip flexors are tight and my hamstrings sore!!! 

I now want a standing desk .... 😀😱

And I should have done my yoga....

Summary Jantastic day 1 and Janathon day 5: 20mins of jogging and a huge amount of time sitting on much arse!!

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