Thursday, June 11, 2015

Juneathon Day 10 & 11

Well day 10 was so bereft of activity it barely deserves a mention.... Swimming was on my schedule but I'm fearful of having an ear issue before Sunday that I skipped it... And we'll because I had to be in at work be for 0830 so it wasn't going to happen before work and after work the adult swim time is after 8pm... So both these things just meant I was a bit of a juneathon no show for day 10.. I can't even claim extra steps from the car because I was wearing heels I parked closer! Loosely I will claim some toe yoga, about 5 Sun salutations (abridged version) and some general buttock clenching at appropriate (rather then inappropriate) moments......

So moving on swiftly to today ... Day 11 and a whole different story.... Despite the fact I have a race on Sunday I was shocked to see a multiple 2hr long total brick session appear in my schedule... WTF!... Not able to do 2 hrs before work I settled for splitting the session 1hr before and another hour when I got home.... The session was a mix of 10min bikes followed by either 5 or 15min run all done and a variety of paces. Needless to say I'm now knackered!!

So Juneathon Day 11 was 6 10 bike sessions and 6 run sessions (50mins total)... With transitions it ended up 2hrs...

So with that good night and happy damn nearly friday!

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