Monday, June 01, 2015

Yes... Day 1

Well I had plans for an epic blog race report about the Ardingly (hardingly more like) tri I did yesterday but that will have to wait... As frankly I'm knackered!

Plans for recovery swim today scuppered as I've had a bit of an upset tummy... So mostly the only running I've been doing is to the loo (apparently that is TMI)....Now I don't think this is a bug as I've realised that it could be the bread I purchased at the weekend which has spirulina in it ... Apparently that can act as a colon cleanser... Perhaps not the wisest choice of carb loading bread then eh?!!?

So ... Instead... Juneathon is here so some form of activity was required... These do not count.... 

1. Parked furthest spot in the car park, making my walk about oh 20-30 paces more then normal
2. I walked ups several flights of stairs at work today and did so a couple of times.
3. Did some vague stretches

Realising 30mins ago that that was all a bit pathetic I can duly report Junathon activity for Day 1 is....
..... Drum roll.....
......more drum rolling.....

10 press ups 


I know you are impressed...

Day 1 done...

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