Saturday, June 06, 2015

Juneathon Day 5

Woke up this morning and realised with mild panic that I had forgotten to do my post Friday night..... "wah! Failed juneathon on measly day 5 despite exercising"...

... Then I remembered we had 24 hours to blog so actually I'm safe for now anyway

To keep it short yesterday morning I had a run on the agenda .... Warm up followed by 10mins of 30s intervals easy/hard then 10mins of 1min intervals easy/hard and then a warm down.

It was really really hummid... So having started the week with succumbing to putting the heating on for a couple of hours (1st June and the summer was really here)... By Thursday night/ Friday morning the weather had transformed in to a hot humid sweat fest!! Still actually I quite enjoyed my run in the warm and the rain.... Warm up ibfelt knackered and legs tired still from the race last weekend however recovered enough and even the last two 1 min intervals seem to find a different gear!

Day 5 complete!

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