Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Day 3

Small steps are better then no steps...

December SWIM #1 has been banked...

Got up early this morning, like dark outside and scrap the ice off the car early... left the house, it was minus 1, got out of the cul-de-sac and it was -2!... so ok it wasn't mega early; I was in the water by 0700... did a 30mins session for 1050m... nothing too strenuous.

But it counts... it's in the bank.

Contemplated a spin class for this evening but was still at work when the first one started, and by the time I left work just before 7pm I was scraping more ice off the car and it was back at minus 2!!! So not on your nelly was I likely to go home then back out to the gym! Brrrrrr!

Tomorrow has a 5mile run in it, a bit harder to be done as 1m easy, 2*[1m PDQ + .5 recover], 1m easy... hopefully we're not going to get some snow so I can do it outside at lunch time otherwise it's the dreadmill.. YUK!


  1. Ok, you lost me after "scrape the ice off..." Yuck! ;-)

    Nice job with the swim.

  2. Yup, small steps will start the ball rolling :-)

  3. Best wishes for good weather so you can do your run outside!

  4. Don't be slipping on any icy patches as you run in the morning! Enjoy the cool run and try not to overdress!

  5. You need to scrape ice already?! GAH!!
