Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Easter Eggs!!!

I'm not kidding.. I have just ventured to the local corner shop for essentials and there on the shelf were Cadbury's cream eggs... Now, although these are not specialist Easter Eggs as such... they are still egg shaped and made of chocolate and generally sell around Easter time. There were also packs of mini-eggs....




On a brighter note... Muffin seems to be in a better mood now he can get to the wound ok.. although he hasn't gone out much (I think he's embarrassed about the lack of fur on the bum end of his tail... he looks a little silly).

On another note... it's been nearly two weeks since I last did any form of exercise... and yes I have had a reasonable excuse I'll give you that... this is the longest non-exercise break since I broke my hand in January 2007!!!

But the good news is I am feeling rested and am hopeful that I may be able to start the new year with a gentle swim or turbo session... I'm a bit fearful of running!!


  1. They just start earlier and earlier each year it seems. Crazy!

  2. Probably left over from last year :-D

  3. I agree. It's wayyyyyyyyy too soon to even be thinking about Easter. And what happened to Valentine's Day first?

    Time to get back to running. Have a Happy New Year!

  4. Gentle swim and Turbo Session sound diametrically opposed.

    I think you should chop Muffins tail off so it's a bob and call him Stud Muffin! It will take some getting used to with regard to the cat's balance but consider his self esteem having to go round with the bum end of this tail bald.
