Tuesday, December 02, 2008

December Challenge - Day 2


Obviously I'm more awake today! Hurrah for that!

OK - so today I've done one little itsy bitsy run.... Now I must confess I am following a running PLAN for the Wokingham Half planned for Feb.

I've got the plan from Runner's World (.uk version), their SMART COACH thing and based it on my 5k TT from the other week. This is pretty good although the pace is a little bit, like on the button... which isn't terribly ideal for running... so I've done some further research (through my fellow bloggers, so thanks very much)... and found my pace range from the geezer called McMillan (see here). So I am armed and ready to tackle my run challenge at least ... smiles all around!

So I'm happy to report that the December Challenge has commenced!

The plan called for 2 miles easy at 10:14 (which is in fact per the McMillan thing a range of 9:53 to 10:23 mins per mile). Now I've not done such easy runs really in previous training (what with tri I tend to mix it up more), and wouldn't normally do something of this length and think it well worth it, but I'm happy to "start" with this as I'm still a bit pooped! AND I need to up my running time ...it's all part of the plan!

In summary 21:22, 2.15miles avg 9:57min/mile. VERY GOOD.... today I give myself a star.


  1. Nothing wrong with that pace. I have found out the hard way that most of us run too much of the time at too fast a pace. That's why we tend to get hurt and sick all the time. On hard run days you want to go really hard. On easy days, you want to go really easy instead of spending all your training time at the same pace.

    Good luck with the challenge!

  2. Yes! A definite star! Run hard when its time to run hard. Run easy when its time to run easy. Thus, the plan :-)

  3. Looks like a good start to me ;D ;D GOOD LUCK my dear!

  4. good job. stick to theplan and follow the paces and i bet good things will happen.

  5. Sounds like a good plan that will hopefully build a strong base and prevent injury.

    Glad day two has allowed you to work toward your goal.


  6. Yay! I give you a shiny gold star and agree with Chad about the avoiding sick and hurt. : )
