Monday, December 08, 2008

Short double day

So if nothing else I'll be setting a blogging pb this month for most blogs in a month right?!?

Just a shortie as I need to head to the land of nod!

Yesterday was a FABulous day. The Christening went without a hitch (or squeal!) and there were plenty of cup cakes and champagne to go around after! All the kids enjoyed themselves and all the adults had fun (or is that supposed to be the other way around).

December challenges for Sunday = NIL but I was entertaining/ helping to look after kids all day so that ought to count for something!??

So what of today.... to keep it brief. I headed to the gym for a dreadmill session (2 miles easy) and a swim session (something like 950m)... Did both so that's two more down... Hurrah for that :o)

Hope all you guys out there are enjoying your Monday!


  1. Looking after kids DEFINITELY counts for something ;-)

  2. You made up for the nil day with a double!

  3. Nice job getting two in!

  4. Sounds like you are getting back into a routine. Good job!

  5. Who actually WATCHES the kids? I always just listen for squeals of pain and the sound of breaking glass...

  6. Good Job!

    (LOL Wes)
