Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Here comes 2009!



Some Stats for those desperate to know;

In 2008 I managed to ....

Swim .... 96.20k in 49hours 56mins
{note this is not even 10 races of the Olympic S long distance Swim race of 10k... puts that into perspective!!}

Bike..... 2657k in 117 hours and 36 mins
{cough - I believe this is less then the distance cycled on the tour de France!}

Run.... 701k in 74 hours and 43mins
{So if they were ultra's then this would be about 7?... }

Can't compare to the year before as I was on polar training for part of the year then on sportstracks... I would have thought my mileage (ok kilometres) on everything has increased given I went on to half iron this year just gone.

Still a bit undecided as to my sporting goals for next year... some of this is dependent on my life outside triathlon and those plans have been thrown up in the air recently and not yet landed!! I have some races in the the calendar though, although I suspect the first one (Wokingham Half) is going to be skipped as it's too soon after this illness thingy I'm getting over... like it's 5 weeks away and I've not trained at all for 2!! I've got Reading half though at the end of March and Austria 70.3 is booked - both of which I'm looking forward to :o)

I wonder what else.... one thing for sure the first two months of the year will be very defining for me and likely to help steer the rest!!

I hope you celebrate this year end in style and welcome in the new.... and a big BIG shout out to Eric who is doing some MAD "Across the years" event, started already! Go Eric Go!


  1. Great job in 2008.

    2009 Here we come!!!

  2. Happy New Years, Karen! Wishing you a fab 2009, where ever and whatever lands :-)

  3. Happy New Year!

    Well done to put in the work and log it.

  4. Happy New Year!! Thanks for your email on my foot! I think you are on to something with the bike shoes!
