Saturday, June 01, 2013

Juneathon 2013 - All Signed up!

Now - I know you were expecting my next blog post to be about the honeymoon journey post New Zealand didn't you? For the record and just in case you didn't know this was a rather long cruise from Auckland to Seattle... passing some wonderful places on the way...

But no....

Earlier today  I was having a look at Twitter and saw a tweet from @audiofuel about "Juneathon 2013".... The website gives a nice little bit of history of the "event" and the rules state you don't have to run everyday just participate in some form of exercise every day through June. So I thought why not.... after all since coming home I've decided, after a year off regular exercise (some enforced through injury and some due to excessive chilling out!)... that this would be a good framework for me to create new and good exercise habits.

So signed up I have!

I am to exercise everyday through June AND blog about it within 24 hours.... so my blog rate is going to go into some sort of hyper drive (especially given the past couple of years of rather relaxed blogging)!

... and don't worry ... I will also sneak in there a couple more blogs about the honeymoon (we have two sections to go..... The cruise and The USA!)... and I may also drop in a couple of other general blogs about the plans I'm hatching for my exercise goals for the rest of this year and into next.

1 comment:

  1. I see that you're doing pretty well on this Juneathon so far. Keep going!
