Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Juneathon Day 18

Gosh - I almost forgot to blog day 18... which would have put me out of the Juneathon sweepstake.... if there is a sweepstake that is... in my mind there is .... and if there isn't well no matter - I will reward myself with something come the end of the month!!

Yesterday saw me back to running - a hill running day... no incidents to report (unlike a couple of weeks ago!).... a really pleasant run in the countryside - I had my pace zone (recovery pace) set up on my Garmin... this time with a rather alarming alarm sounding at me if I ran too fast or too slow for the zone!! I am quite liking the run paces from Brain Training for Runners and it is as well I'm using the paces for "zones" rather then a Heart Rate Zone because my Garmin HR Strap is giving me BONKERS readings.... to the point that if I believed it I'd be better off stopping and calling an ambulance!! But rather then let my watch put me off my stride I changed the screen so I didn't even see the HR throughout the workout - which is as well!!

My route took me up a bridle path where I originally planned to do my reps - but there were a lot of flies sitting in horse dung and frankly it was a bit overgrown... so I did my first 60s interval there and jogged out at the top of the path which joins a quiet country lane... and as the lane is actually on a hill... I did the remaining 2 reps there.... before having a leisurely jog home! The only "error" I made was thinking it was a cool day (because it was overcast), so I wore a long sleeve top... if only I had realised how humid it was under that cloud!! All in all an enjoyable, if rather sweaty, workout!

 Juneathon Day 18 in the bag!

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