Saturday, June 15, 2013

Juneathon Day 14

Yesterday morning I actually managed to get out the house and do an early run - it reminded me that I do like running the early part of the day; peaceful and quiet and I think sets me up for the day ahead... if only I could remind myself of that when I first get out of bed ;) .....

Anyway - I was going to do a loop run (I prefer loops to out and backs), but having had a lovely 20mins in quiet residential area leading to bridle paths and country footpaths I came across a main road which was beginning to flow with early morning commuter traffic..... so I decided rather then inhale exhaust fumes for my way home I'd simple turnaround and enjoy the same peace and quiet I had enjoyed on the way out!

So Juneathon Day 14 I ran for 4miles in about 43mins (this was ran at "base pace"... )

I also managed 10mins of a stretch warm up.... this in itself is a miracle ;)

Juneathon still going and we are nearly half way!!

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