Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Juneathon Day 24 - Back to swimming!

Somewhat surprised to say that when I woke up yesterday I wasn't aching at all from the previous days 40miles of cycling.. I really did expect to be sore - I did have a slightly tired feeling in my arms/ shoulders and legs but really hardly noticed it.... although I'm not sure my butt would have been too happy if I had sat back on my bike seat!! Ha ha!

So for Juneathon yesterday I did something I haven't done in a very VERY long while - I went to the public swimming pool for a swim... now I thought this a little daring especially given the preceding hour a school had been in the pool ;) ... but the water was surprisingly fresh and changing rooms clean.... so I don't know what school it was but clearly the kids were well looked after and behaved well!!!

I didn't have any specific plan or idea what I was going to do given it has been a while since I went to the pool... so settled for a 20min splash about - which ended up being about 22mins.... I did mainly front crawl with some drills and some breast and back stroke to mix it up a little. I think I did about 750-800m in total.... Long gone are the days when I could bash out a 3-4k swim...... The swim did feel good though - the only real problem with public pool swimming is the fact that the "fast" lane isn't particularly fast and so I think swimming multiple laps would be difficult with more then 2-3 people in the lane.... I managed one set of 100m the rest were done as 25 or 50m reps.

Still - (a) good to be in the pool and (b) another Juneathon entry bagged!! Total 22mins and 750m

1 comment:

  1. Yay for swimming! I've been doing 800-1200 swims at a time too. No reason to bang out a long swim if you aren't training for something that requires it!
