Saturday, June 29, 2013

Juneathon Day 28 - Flex your digest with a bit of Yoga

Yesterday was going to be a Yoga type of day - so I found a different session to do on the DYWM website and, as I was going to be consuming a pie and a pint in about an hours time (yesterday evening this was) I thought I'd do the one from coach David Procyshyn called "Yoga for Digestion - Quickie" .... I had no idea what so ever what this was going to be about but it was just over 20mins long so fitted my window.

Now I have to say I've never done Yoga like it - it was kind of interesting and kind of weird ... there were these diaphragm exercises which were, well weirdly odd... but here is the thing..... at this time of year I get quite tight in the chest (asthma from the pollen, I know this even though I am an asthmatic in denial..) and whilst the asthma is pretty much in control typically my upper back and chest muscles are quite constricted... and, as it would appear, is my diaphragm..... I'm not sure if this session would work for everyone but I went with it and not only did it give my tummy a lovely relaxed feeling but my chest really felt released after - my diaphragm in particular. So I think I'll give it a couple of days and do this again and see what happens.

Thanks again Juneathon as without the habit I've now formed and with a firm target in place I may never have done Yoga today and found such an interesting little work out!

Summary for 28th June;
Yoga - 20mins

I have a run scheduled for today (day 29) and probably a bike (and a celebratory coffee and cake) for Day 30!!

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