Thursday, June 13, 2013

Juneathon Day 12

.... busy day .... and I wore "work" shoes for the first time in about 8months and walked in them leading to painful blisters... does walking in work shoes count as a Juneathon activity?!.... ok maybe not...

But I did do a short but important workout .... 15mins of "Brian Training for Runners" Resistance workout which is pretty much all about core conditioning working on all those little out of the way muscles which help stabiliser your pelvis area whilst running - the hope of which is that you are stronger, so your running form is "better" and hence you are less likely to get injured. So whilst only 15mins of frankly not very high intensity effort, an important 15mins all the same. So that is what I'm claiming for my June 12th Juneathon entry!!

1 comment:

  1. Your Juneathon reminds me a bit of the 6 week wellness program I'm participating in at work. It makes me do SOMETHING everyday when sometimes I might have taken a day completely off. Good stuff!
