Sunday, June 23, 2013

Juneathon Day 22

I'd like to first point out that with this post I have - this month - equalled the number of blog entries I did for the whole of 2012! GOSH!

I am a born again blogger - well at least this month I am - now that I have re-established this habit who knows what may come of my blogging next month?!

Anyway - back to the point of this - Juneathon Day 22 and yes this was yesterday as always (apart from that one day!) my blogging is a day behind the event itself.

Believe it or not - as I only had 18 weeks to Henley Half Marathon after I entered it - it meant I "started" the "plan" already at week 3, and guess what... week 4 is a recovery week... ha ha ha ... so this weeks long run at base pace was a nice 4miles.... actually 4.2 miles if I'm precise (the plan was 4 but I did more mainly because I didn't want to walk home in the rain!)

I had a good run out but as usual found my cadence and overall running form deteriorate as I went through my journey - the second half being a bit uglier in every way then the first - but still much more pleasant then the whole of the long base run I did last Sunday.

So - Saturday June 22 - ran 4.2 miles in an easy 43mins

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