Monday, June 03, 2013

Juneathon Day 2

For Sunday 2 June I......

Warmed up and recovered my Garmin from a unscrupulous, thieving leaflet distributor who decided my Garmin (which was on the doorstep finding a signal as I got warmed up before my run)... was fair game and pocketed it.... fortunately after a couple of mins I realised what could have happened and found the deceitful cheating person and asked him if he had... he did duly return it so no harm no foul right... apart from the fact he did take the device from my doorstep....

ANYWAY..... I...

Ran 1:02:30 for 9.34k
Tried day 2 of the "Push Up Challenge" (yes I am trying it again)... this should have been 10, 12, 8, 8, 12 pushups with 90s rest between each set... yet again I failed and made.... 10, 12, 8, 7, 7... grrrr... so shall redo this one on Wednesday.

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